The Lotus Learning Widget has been updated to include more learning materials and enhanced filtering to make it easier for you to find learning materials that are just right for what you are doing. |
This web seminar introduces Microsoft Outlook Users to the Lotus Notes user interface and how to perform familiar Outlook tasks in Lotus Notes. |
This video shows how to make your local contacts available in iNotes and how Notes provides functionality to keep them synchronized via replication. |
New in Notes 8.5.2: From Mail, Calendar, or To Do, you can open your Contacts by selecting the switchto icon and selecting Switch to Contacts . Note : You must be using Notes 8.5.2 client, and 8.5 or higher mail template. For a complete list on 8.5.x features and requirements, see: a ... |
If you create a new contact whose name consists of more than two parts (for example, Peter Le Clair or Ellen Van Den Berg), then the Name Helper will appear. Specify how to divide contact's names, so it is correctly divided into first, middle, and last name(surname): |
In Notes 8.5.2, you can send someone a group or location from your contacts. The recipient gets an email that allows them to import the group or location into their contacts. To send someone a group, go to Contacts, open Groups, select the group you want to send, and then click Send. To send a ... |
If you have a bunch of contacts in Excel, and you'd like to create a group (which is the same as a mailing list) out of them in Notes, here is how you do it. |